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Wool care

How to iron wool

Despite being crease resistant, some Merino wool garments may require a light iron, but only if the garment’s care claim advises so. 

Whether your Merino wool garment requires ironing after washing and drying will depend on the number of creases present and the overall appearance of the garment.

Generally, heavier types of wool clothes such as chunky knits tend to suffer less from creasing during laundering, so these are less likely to need any ironing. However whether to iron or not will largely depend upon personal preference.

How to iron wool in 4 easy steps

  1. Set the iron on the Wool, Medium or 2-dot heat setting. Too hot-a-setting could lead to discolouration or in the worst case causes scorch marks.
  2. Lay the garment flat and reshape and size gently by hand.
  3. Spray the garment with a little water before applying the iron to the garment surface; alternatively whilst ironing use the steaming function to apply a bit of steam. This will make crease removal and reshaping easier.
  4. After ironing, lay the garment flat on a smooth hard surface for 5 minutes or so before folding your knitwear or hanging your wovens. This will prevent further creasing.


What to avoid when ironing wool

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Wool care

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Wool care

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리사그리플라스(Lisa Griplas): 미디어, 언론정보 분야에서 10년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있다.  그녀는 수년간 신문사에서 저널리스트로 지내다가 현재 울마크 컴퍼니에서 글로벌 에디터를 맡고있다.